Healing Sun, then Two Snakes Dancing
Deceased August 6, 2014
Don Jones positively influenced the lives of hundreds of persons throughout his adult life as a pastor and therapist for forty years.
He worked for social justice in Rock Island, Illinois as chair of the Human Rights Commission and founder of a not-for-profit promoting Positive Peer Culture in schools. Entering elderhood, he founded the Indianapolis Friends of Jung in 1983 and the Indiana Men’s Council in 1990, which brought at least 100 men together one Friday each month. Don was one of the first men from Indiana to both complete the NWTA, be certified as a leader, and co-found the Indianapolis New Warrior community. Don did not let a 1993 diagnosis of prostate cancer prevent him from caring for his health or his community.
Don attended and was instrumental in founding the first MKP Elder Council in Washington, DC in 1995. He masterfully led numerous NWTAs and also served as Chairman of MKP at the turn of this century during a crucial time in its development, combining his skills as a visionary and as an organizational developer.
Don is remembered by many for his loving warrior king energy, his wise elderhood, his friendship, and his solid teaching and mentoring. He reveled in reciting poems by D.H. Lawrence and wrote an influential daily book of proverbs, Wisdom for the Journey, as well as Hunger for Wholeness.
Those who knew him considered Don Jones the quintessential MKP elder, whom we have missed since his death in 2014 at age 84.