2021 Honorees


Celebration Videos


Monday Events

Introduction Welcome by Allan Podbelsek
Poetry Bill Mawhinney: Awakening
Music Laurence Cole: singing and drumming: Just Mercy
Art Willie Baronet shares his mission and art relating to homelessness
Elder Interview Bill Kauth & Kirby Benson share elder reflections
Elders Serving The World The World Elder Council formed by Nelson Mandela
Elders Serving the World Elder Society’s Elder Connection Program participants share about program that covers 18 months

Tuesday Events

Poetry Bill Mawhinney: The Struggle
Art Pat Dempsey shares a painting reflecting the faces of Eldership
Music with Meditation Stephen Jacob: Piano and meditation / reflection
Elder Interview Jack Childs and Ron Roesler share elder reflections
Elders Serving The World The Elder Society’s Climate Justice Team share their passion and work
Elders Serving the World Kirby Benson & Luis Bautista share their creation of the Eighth Step of the Elder Journey

Wednesday Events

Poetry Bill Mawhinney: Development & Acceptance
Music Laurence Cole: singing & drumming: Disastrous and Sublime
Art Story of the Stones at Land of My Grandfathers
Music with Meditation Stephen Jacob: meditation in nature
Elder Interview Tom Reilly share elder reflections

Thursday Events

Poetry Bill Mawhinney: In Service
Music Simon McCain share his voice & guitar: Far Flung Places
Music with Meditation Stephen Jacob: meditation in nature
Elder Interview Dallas Chief Eagle & Miguel Rath share elder reflections Part 1  |  Part 2
Elders Serving the World MKP USA’s Racial Justice Team shares their passion and work
Elders Serving the World Jack Childs shares reflections on Eldership in a Shifting Era in conversation with Alan Jacobson

Friday Events

Poetry Bill Mawhinney: Passing It On & Passing On
Art TED Talk: What do elders know and why is it still important?
Elder Interview Bob Gilby share elder reflections
Elders Serving the World Allan Podbelsek: Elders often serve as mentors in many settings
Elders Serving the World Several Elders read a prayer written by Rev. Lynn Ungar, reflecting on the ongoing pandemic