European Elder Gathering

Invitation: European Elder Gathering (EEG)
at Lübtheen in Northern Germany

European Elder Gathering

June 24th – 26th 2011

A chance to connect with your European Elder brothers
In Northern Germany situated between Hamburg and Lübeck

The German Elder Community of MKP invites you to the European Elder Gathering.
Any man from age 50 onward is invited to join, member or non-member of MKP, so bring your elder friends along if you think they are interested.

The place: the house and its surrounding provide a beautiful and dignified setting for this international gathering of Elders. Click the website below to get a taste of what awaits you.
          Seminarhaus PLATZ DES FRIEDENS
          Platz des Friedens 1
          D-19249 Lübtheen- Jessenitz-Werk


Arrival: is scheduled for Friday around 5 p.m. If you arrive earlier please state on the registration form.

Departure: is scheduled for Sunday 2 p.m., if you want to depart later please so state.

Travelling: You reach Lütbtheen via Train from Hamburg or Lübeck or by car. The closest airports are Hamburg and Lübeck. If you need help concerning arrival and departure Rolf is very willing to help. Rolf Jehring:

Expenses: Your financial share for the weekend is Euro 130 including sweat lodge. The price includes bedding and towel (not for the sweat) as well as all meals. All rooms have shower and toilet and will be occupied by two or three men. If you wish single room please clarify via mail.


Payment: Please pay the fee in advance. In case you have to cancel up to two weeks before the event, the full amount (minus bank fees) will be returned to you. After that 50% is kept as cancelling fee.
In case a man cannot come because of expenses please contact German May or Rolf Jehring via Mail, we will see if the fee can be reduced.


Food: in case you need to follow a special diet please let us know, we will meet requirements where it’s possible and let you know.
Bring hiking shoes, shoes for the house and/or warm socks.


Other: If you want to join or have space for a man in a car please let us know in the form below.
The schedule for the weekend will be held loose and relaxed with a few fixtures in the program so that plenty of time is given for men to walk and talk and COME TOGETHER. Nevertheless suggestions for workshops or exercise times are welcome. A rough outline will be provided shortly the final program will be made at the gathering.
Questions, suggestions and wishes please contact

German May,  
Telefon: I0049/221/3109841
Mobil: 01727591792

Registration Form: European Elder Gathering

We are looking forward to a great weekend together.

German May
Powerfully soaring Eagle
Declared Elder
Elder coordinator, MKP Germany Cologne, 2011-03-09