Finding My Way Back Home

Finding My Way Back Home

by Bruce Mulkey, originally published on his blog, It was a warm June evening in 1961, the night of my graduation from Tullahoma High School. I’d just returned to Tennessee from playing in a high school all-American football game in Fort Lauderdale,...

Lessons from my Mom, Judy

Guest post by Rob Peck, Judy Peck taught me (mainly by modeling) the efficacy of a few short phrases to instill trust, and inspire loyalty. To be fair, some of the following I learned from my old man, Art Peck- who thankfully is still alive and...

My Black History

Embed from Getty Images   Note to the reader: To tell my story in the way I want it heard, this piece contains explicit accounts of physical abuse. I wasn’t born hating black men; it wasn’t something I learned from my parents either – in fact my father always...

HeArt – Art Patterson's Story

by Art Patterson, In 1973, I received a tragic phone-call. Tommy, my friend and former classmate, had passed away. Tommy was older than me and graduated from our school in the late 60s. Wheelchairs had not been invented yet and Tommy, who struggled with severe...