The Blue Flame of Anger

In my world anger is expensive fuel. Despite its extraordinary cost anger is expedient when compressed and used sparingly with discretion. Caution! Storage is problematic. Anger expands when contained and pressure relief is critical. Increased levels of compression...

The Time Stamp

I turn 65 this summer, if not a convenient act certainly symbolic. A life of high drama is running its final lap and the flowers in my garden are a constant reminder all living things have a season. My work has taken me into the townships of South Africa and behind...
Why I Men’s Group

Why I Men’s Group

Embed from Getty Images When I first began teaching my son to ride a bike I anticipated a few cuts and bruises – I mean it’s inevitable. We joked how falling down was all part of the process of learning and the most important thing was to get back up (that is the...

My Black History

Embed from Getty Images   Note to the reader: To tell my story in the way I want it heard, this piece contains explicit accounts of physical abuse. I wasn’t born hating black men; it wasn’t something I learned from my parents either – in fact my father always...